Propelling Selangor’s Transformation Into A Regional Smart State

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Propelling Selangor’s Transformation Into A Regional Smart State

Author: Faiz Abdullah

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust

ISBN: 9789670957142

Pages: 152 pages

In this short monograph, the author proposes to shed light on the transformation of Selangor into a regional smart state. He defines the term “Smart State” and examines the theoretical foundations of paradigm change touching on the Kuhn-Popper debate concerning falsifiability. The author contends that this discourse has been dominated by Western scholarship viewed from secular-oriented lenses. He presents his alternative perspective from the prism of Islam and revealed knowledge as articulated in his first two books, The Province of Shariʿah Determined – Fundamental Rethink of the Shariʿah and Wars of Jurisprudence – Clash between Contractual Justice and Freedom of Contract. The author discusses questions on managing strategic change, leadership and strategic management doctrines and principles. Having set the theoretical discourse, he presents some key case studies to support the contention that propelling change for the state of Selangor is neither rhetoric nor polemics but supported by facts, figures and tangible results. The author makes the case for continued support for transformational change made even more pressing by the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Good governance, accountability and transparency and social justice are posited as critical success factors for the transformation. He proposes some strategic formulations in respect of the key steps to further drive the change process and propel the transformation trajectory.



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