​University And Governance: Trends And Models

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University And Governance: Trends And Models

Author/Editor: Soaib Asimiran and Sufean Hussin

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831005453

Weight: 300

Pages: 210

Year: 2012

Price: RM48

The university temperament is to challenge paradigms, theories, hypotheses, stereotypes, prejudices and myths and sometimes the status quo as well, which subsequently then will bring forth to the emergence of new paradigms, ideologies, theories, hypotheses, technologies, and civil order. The university must have a liberal and critical stance in order for it to constantly innovate and advance the frontier of knowledge and technology. It should not be shackled by commercial and political forces that tend to constrain or to lead it astray from the genuine pursuit of human enlightenment, objective knowledge, truths of the universe, intellectual and scholarship development, and civilization advancement. In corollary, it is fundamental that university governance should support those pursuits and also ensure its integrity and sustainability. This book exposes the developmental trends, models, and temperament of university governance. As a case in point, an empirical qualitative study was done to unravel the direction, power relations, motives, authority structure, and mechanics of university governance in Malaysia.



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